Thursday, January 28, 2010

Appointment of Service Provider for Baboon Management in the Cape Peninsula


The Nature Conservation Corporation were confirmed as the successful tenderer for the provision of a baboon management program on the Cape Peninsula at a meeting of the City of Cape Town’s Bid Adjudication Committee yesterday(Monday 25 January). This is for the period 01 February – 30 June 2010.

Only two tenders were received, with that from Hlathi Security Services being declared invalid as they had not complied with the rules of the tender process.

The amount awarded was R2 149 479.16, which included VAT and a contingency of R100 000.00. It covers a range of tasks and responsibilities in relation to the employment and management of baboon monitors and other related tasks.

“I am pleased at the outcome of the tender process,” says Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Mayoral Committee Member for Planning and Environment. “The Nature Conservation Corporation has performed well over the past six months and there has been a marked decline in baboon/ human incidents. Their re-appointment ensures that there is continuity.”

“I am especially pleased at the technical and financial support we have received from our colleagues in National and Provincial Government, recognising that baboon management is a joint responsibility. While it is essential that baboons must be conserved to retain their role in our unique biodiversity, let us not lose sight of the value they have for the tourism industry, which in turn boosts the local economy, in addition to the social benefits of the monitoring program, which provides employment for over 50 persons”, she added.

“While all the parties are working towards the finalisation of a Baboon Management Protocol, this is a step in the right direction to find a lasting solution for the management of baboons and human conflict. It is also essential that a policy and legal framework is compiled for the management of the areas adjacent to the mountain to prevent conflict,” she concluded.

Issued by: Communication Department, City of Cape Town
Media enquiries: Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Tel: 021 400 1307 or Cell: 084 224 0023
Stephen Granger, Manager: Strategic Projects, Environmental Resource Management Department, Tel: 021487 2236 or Cell: 084331 863

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