Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shark Attack on Fish Hoek Beach - January 2010

It is highly regrettable that, within hours of the “Shark Activity” media release, a bather was fatally attacked by a shark at Fish Hoek beach. South Peninsula subcouncil extends its condolences to Mr Skinner’s family and friends. Increased shark activity has been observed for some while by the successful Shark Spotters program, and media releases to that effect released since early December. Unfortunately, as can be seen by the “Shark warning Dec” release and “Adherence to Shark Spotters warnings Dec”, not all bathers have reacted sensibly to their warnings. An extensive review of the attack and preventative measures is being conducted by the City, the findings of which will be made public. At the same time, we appeal to all our local organisations to spread the message contained in the attached media releases for all beach users to familiarise themselves with the Shark Spotters flag system, and to take seriously warnings from them. Regards Cllr Demetri Qually Chairperson - South Peninsula subcouncil DA Councillor - Ward 64 Office 021 784 2001 Fax 0865 760 582 Cell 083 629 1326 Civic Centre, Central Circle, Fish Hoek, Private Bag X1, Fish Hoek, 7974.

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